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4. Yamamoto S, Fukuhara T (Equally first author), Ono C, Uemura K, Kawachi Y, Shiokawa M, Mori H, Wada M, Shima R, Okamoto T, Hiraga N, Suzuki R, Chayama K, Wakita T and Matsuura Y. Lipoprotein Receptors Redundantly Participate in Entry of Hepatitis C Virus. PLoS Pathog. 12(5): e1005610, 2016
3. Aizawa S, Okamoto T, Sugiyama Y, Kouwaki T, Ito A, Suzuki T, Ono C, Fukuhara T, Yamamoto M, Okochi M, Hiraga N, Imamura M, Chayama K, Suzuki R, Shoji I, Moriishi K, Moriya K, Koike K and Matsuura Y. TRC8-dependent degradation of hepatitis C virus immature core protein regulates viral propagation and pathogenesis. Nat Commun. 7: 11379, 2016
2. Ikegami T, Yoshizumi T, Yoshida Y, Kurihara T, Harimoto N, Itoh S, Shimokawa M, Fukuhara T, Shirabe K and Maehara Y. Telaprevir versus simeprevir for the treatment of recurrent hepatitis C after living donor liver transplantation. Hepatol Res. 46(3): 136-45, 2016
1. Kouwaki T, Okamoto T, Ito A, Sugiyama Y, Yamashita K, Suzuki T, Kusakabe S, Hirano J, Fukuhara T, Yamashita A, Saito K, Okuzaki D, Watashi K, Sugiyama M, Yoshio S, Standley DM, Kanto T, Mizokami M, Moriishi K and Matsuura Y. Hepatocyte Factor JMJD5 Regulates Hepatitis B Virus Replication through Interaction with HBx. J Virol. 90(7): 3530-42, 2016