
9\uff0eOtoguro T, Tanaka T, Kasai H, Kobayashi N, Yamashita A, Fukuhara T<\/u><\/strong>, Ryo A, Fukai M, Taketomi A, Matsuura Y and Moriishi K. Establishment of a cell culture model permissive for infection by hepatitis B and C viruses. Hepatol Commun.<\/strong> 5(4): 634-649, 2020<\/p>\n

8\uff0eInokuchi S, Yoshizumi T, Toshima T, Itoh S, Yugawa K, Harada N, Mori H, Fukuhara T<\/u><\/strong>, Matsuura Y and Mori M. Suppression of optineurin impairs the progression of hepatocellular carcinoma through regulating mitophagy. Cancer Med. <\/strong>10(5): 1501-1514, 2020<\/p>\n

7.Fauzyah Y, Ono C, Torii S, Anzai I, Suzuki R, Izumi T, Morioka Y, Maeda Y, Okamoto T, Fukuhara T<\/u><\/strong> and Matsuura Y. Ponesimod suppresses hepatitis B virus infection by inhibiting endosome maturation. Antiviral Res.<\/u><\/strong> 186; 104999, 2020<\/p>\n

6.\u00a0 Goto R, Kosai-Fujimoto Y, Yagi S, Kobayashi T, Akamatsu N, Shimamura T, Imura S, Ogiso S, Mizuno S, Takatsuki M, Fukuhara T<\/u><\/strong>, Kanto T, Eguchi S, Yanaga K, Ogura Y, Fukumoto T, Shimada M, Hasegawa K, Ohdan H, Uemoto S, Soejima Y, Ikegami T, Yoshizumi T, Taketomi A, and Maehara Y. De novo hepatocellular carcinoma developing in the living donor liver grafts: A Japanese multicenter experience. Hepatol Res<\/strong>. In press.<\/p>\n

5.\u00a0 Abe T, Minami N, Bawano RG, Matsui C, Deng L, Fukuhara T<\/u><\/strong>, Matsuura Y and Shoji I. ISGylation of hepatitis C virus NS5A protein promotes viral RNA replication via the recruitment of cyclophilin A. J Virol<\/strong>. in press.<\/p>\n

4.\u00a0 Ono C, Fukuhara T<\/u><\/strong> (Corresponding author), Li S, Wang J, Sato A, Izumi T, Fauzyah Y, Yamamoto T, Morioka Y, Dokholyan NV, Standley DM and Matsuura Y. Various miRNAs compemsate the role of miR-122 on HCV replication. PLoS Pathog.<\/strong> 16(6): e1008308, 2020<\/p>\n

3.\u00a0 Torii S, Orba Y, Sasaki M, Tabata K, Wada Y, Carr M, Hobson-Peters J, Hall RA, Takada A, Fukuhara T<\/u><\/strong>, Matsuura Y, Hall WW and Sawa H. Host ESCRT factors are recruited during chikungunya virus infection and are required for the intracellular viral replication cycle. J Biol Chem.<\/strong> 295(23): 7941-7957, 2020<\/p>\n

2.\u00a0 Tetsuo M, Matsuno K, Tamura T, Fukuhara T,<\/strong><\/span> Kim T, Okamatsu M, Tautz N, Matsuura Y, Sakoda Y. Development of a high-throughput serum neutralization test using recombinant pestiviruses possessing a small reporter tag. Pathogens<\/strong>. 9(3): 188, 2020<\/p>\n

1.\u00a0 Sato A, Ono C, Tamura T, Mori H, Izumi T, Torii S, Fauzyah Y, Yamamoto T, Morioka Y, Okuzaki D, Fukuhara T<\/u><\/strong> (Corresponding author), Matsuura Y. Rimonabant suppresses RNA transcription of hepatitis B virus by inhibiting hepatocyte nuclear factor 4a. Microbiol Immunol.<\/strong> 64(5): 345-355, 2020<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

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